Source code for pants.contrib.telnet

# Copyright 2011-2012 Pants Developers (see AUTHORS.txt)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Imports

import re
import struct

from pants import Stream, Server

    from netstruct import NetStruct as _NetStruct
except ImportError:
    # Create the fake class because isinstance expects a class.
    class _NetStruct(object):
        def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
            raise NotImplementedError

# Logging

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Constants

RegexType = type(re.compile(""))
Struct = struct.Struct

# Telnet commands
IAC  = chr(255)  # Interpret As Command
DONT = chr(254)  # Don't Perform
DO   = chr(253)  # Do Perform
WONT = chr(252)  # Won't Perform
WILL = chr(251)  # Will Perform
SB   = chr(250)  # Subnegotiation Begin
SE   = chr(240)  # Subnegotiation End

# TelnetConnection Class

[docs]class TelnetConnection(Stream): """ A basic implementation of a Telnet connection. A TelnetConnection object is capable of identifying and extracting Telnet command sequences from incoming data. Upon identifying a Telnet command, option or subnegotiation, the connection will call a relevant placeholder method. This class should be subclassed to provide functionality for individual commands and options. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Stream.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Initialize Stuff self._telnet_data = "" ##### Public Event Handlers ###############################################
[docs] def on_command(self, command): """ Placeholder. Called when the connection receives a telnet command, such as AYT (Are You There). ========= ============ Argument Description ========= ============ command The byte representing the telnet command. ========= ============ """ pass
[docs] def on_option(self, command, option): """ Placeholder. Called when the connection receives a telnet option negotiation sequence, such as IAC WILL ECHO. ========= ============ Argument Description ========= ============ command The byte representing the telnet command. option The byte representing the telnet option being negotiated. ========= ============ """ pass
[docs] def on_subnegotiation(self, option, data): """ Placeholder. Called when the connection receives a subnegotiation sequence. ========= ============ Argument Description ========= ============ option The byte representing the telnet option for which subnegotiation data has been received. data The received data. ========= ============ """ pass
##### Internal Telnet State Processing #################################### def _on_telnet_data(self, data): self._telnet_data += data while self._telnet_data: delimiter = self.read_delimiter if delimiter is None: data = self._telnet_data self._telnet_data = '' self._safely_call(self.on_read, data) elif isinstance(delimiter, (int, long)): if len(self._telnet_data) < delimiter: break data = self._telnet_data[:delimiter] self._telnet_data = self._telnet_data[delimiter:] self._safely_call(self.on_read, data) elif isinstance(delimiter, basestring): mark = self._telnet_data.find(delimiter) if mark == -1: break data = self._telnet_data[:mark] self._telnet_data = self._telnet_data[mark + len(delimiter):] self._safely_call(self.on_read, data) elif isinstance(delimiter, Struct): # Weird. Why are you using Struct in telnet? Silly person. if len(self._telnet_data) < delimiter.size: break data = self._telnet_data[:delimiter.size] self._telnet_data = self._telnet_data[delimiter.size:] try: data = delimiter.unpack(data) except struct.error: log.exception("Unable to unpack data on %r." % self) self.close() break self._safely_call(self.on_read, *data) elif isinstance(delimiter, _NetStruct): # Ditto for NetStruct. if not self._netstruct_iter: # We need to get started. self._netstruct_iter = delimiter.iter_unpack() self._netstruct_needed = next(self._netstruct_iter) if len(self._telnet_data) < self._netstruct_needed: break data = self._netstruct_iter.send( self._telnet_data[:self._netstruct_needed]) self._telnet_data = self._telnet_data[self._netstruct_needed:] if isinstance(data, (int,long)): self._netstruct_needed = data continue # Still here? Then we've got our object. Delete the NetStruct # state and send the data. self._netstruct_needed = None self._netstruct_iter = None self._safely_call(self.on_read, *data) elif isinstance(delimiter, RegexType): # Depending on regex_search, we could do this two ways. if self.regex_search: match = if not match: break data = self._telnet_data[:match.start()] self._telnet_data = self._telnet_data[match.end():] else: data = delimiter.match(self._telnet_data) if not data: break self._telnet_data = self._telnet_data[data.end():] self._safely_call(self.on_read, data) else: log.warning("Invalid read_delimiter on %r." % self) break if self._closed or not self.connected: break def _on_telnet_iac(self, data): if len(data) < 2: return False elif data[1] == IAC: # It's an escaped IAC byte. Send it to the data buffer. self._on_telnet_data(IAC) return data[2:] elif data[1] in '\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE': if len(data) < 3: return False self._safely_call(self.on_option, data[1], data[2]) return data[3:] elif data[1] == SB: seq = '' code = data[2:] data = data[3:] if not data: return False while data: loc = data.find(IAC) if loc == -1: return False seq += data[:loc] if data[loc + 1] == SE: # Match data = data[loc+2:] break elif data[loc + 1] == IAC: # Escaped seq += IAC data = data[loc+2:] continue # Unknown. Skip it. data = data[loc + 1:] if not data: return False self._safely_call(self.on_subnegotiation, code, seq) # Still here? It must just be a command then. Send it on. self._safely_call(self.on_command, data[1]) return data[2:] ##### Internal Processing Methods ######################################### def _process_recv_buffer(self): """ Completely replace the standard recv buffer processing with a custom function for optimal telnet performance. """ while self._recv_buffer: loc = self._recv_buffer.find(IAC) if loc == -1: self._on_telnet_data(self._recv_buffer) self._recv_buffer = '' break elif loc > 0: self._on_telnet_data(self._recv_buffer[:loc]) self._recv_buffer = self._recv_buffer[loc:] out = self._on_telnet_iac(self._recv_buffer) if out is False: break self._recv_buffer = out
############################################################################### # TelnetServer Class ###############################################################################
[docs]class TelnetServer(Server): """ A basic implementation of a Telnet server. """ ConnectionClass = TelnetConnection