Source code for pants.http.client

# Copyright 2011-2012 Pants Developers (see AUTHORS.txt)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
``pants.http.client`` implements a basic asynchronous HTTP client on top of
Pants with an API modelled after that of the wonderful
`requests <>`_ library. The client supports
keep-alive and SSL for connections, domain verification for SSL certificates,
basic WWW authentication, sessions with persistent cookies, automatic redirect
handling, automatic decompression of responses, connection timeouts, file
uploads, and saving large responses to temporary files to decrease
memory usage.

Logic is implemented using a series of request handlers.

Making Requests

It's simple and easy to make requests, and it only requires that you have an
instance of :class:`HTTPClient` ready.

.. code-block:: python

    from pants.http import HTTPClient
    client = HTTPClient()

Like with `requests <>`_, there are simple
methods for making requests with the different HTTP methods. For now, let's get
information for a bunch of Pants' commits on GitHub.

.. code-block:: python


You'll notice that this is very similar to making a request with requests.
However, we do not get a response objects. Actually, calling
:meth:`HTTPClient.get` returns an instance of :class:`HTTPRequest` rather than
anything to do with a response, but we'll get to that later.

The Pants HTTP client is asynchronous, so to get your response, you need a
response handler. There are several ways to set one up, but the easiest way is
to pass it to your :class:`HTTPClient` during initialization.

.. code-block:: python

    def handle_response(response):
        if response.status_code != 200:
            print "There was a problem!"

    client = HTTPClient(handle_response)

``response`` in this situation is an instance of :class:`HTTPResponse`, and
it has an API modelled after the response objects that requests would give you.

Making *Useful* Requests

Basic GET requests are nice, but you'll often want to send data to the server.
For query parameters you can use the optional *params* argument of the various
request methods, like so::

    data = {'since': '2013-11-01'}
    client.get("", params=data)

With that, you could eventually take your response and get the correct URL.

.. code-block:: python

    >>> response.url

You can also post data to the server, either as a pre-made string, or as a
dictionary of values to be encoded.

.. code-block:: python"", data="Hello World!")"", data={"greeting": "Hello"})

By default, the ``Content-Type`` header will be set to
``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` when you provide data for the request
body. If any files are present, it will instead default to
``multipart/form-data`` to transmit those. You can also manually set the
header when making your request.

You set files via the files parameter, which expects a dictionary of form field
names and file objects. You can also provide filenames if desired.

.. code-block:: python"", files={'file': open("test.txt")})"", files={'file': ("test.txt", open("test.txt"))})

You can, of course, use data and files together. Please note that, if you *do*
use them together, you'll need to supply data as a dictionary. Data strings are
not supported.

As many of you have probably noticed, this is *very* similar to using
`requests <>`_. The Pants API was implemented
this way to make it easier to switch between the two libraries.

Reading Responses

Making your request is only half the battle, of course. You have to read your
response when it comes in. And, for that, you start with the status code.

.. code-block:: python

    >>> response.status_code
    >>> response.status_text
    >>> response.status
    '200 OK'

Unlike with requests, there is no ``raise_for_status()`` method available.
Raising a strange exception in an asynchronous framework that your code isn't
designed to catch just wouldn't work.


HTTP headers are case-insensitive, and so the headers are stored in a special
case-insensitive dictionary made available as :attr:`HTTPResponse.headers`.

.. code-block:: python

    >>> response.headers
        'Content-Length': 986,
        'Server': 'gunicorn/0.17.4',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
        'Date': 'Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:58:53 GMT',
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    >>> response.headers['content-length']

Nothing special here.


Cookies are a weak point of Pants' HTTP client at this time. Cookies are stored
in instances of :class:`Cookie.SimpleCookie`, which doesn't handle multiple
domains. Pants has logic to prevent sending cookies to the wrong domains, but
ideally it should move to using a better cookie storage structure in future
versions that handles multiple domains elegantly.

.. code-block:: python

    >>> response.cookies['cake']
    <Morsel: cake='lie'>
    >>> response.cookies['cake'].value

As you can see, Pants does not yet handle cookies as well as requests. Setting
cookies is a bit better.

.. code-block:: python

    client.get("", cookies={"cake": "lie"})


The HTTP client will follow redirects automatically. When this happens, the
redirecting responses are stored in the :attr:`HTTPResponse.history` list.

.. code-block:: python

    >>> response.history
    [<HTTPResponse [301 Moved Permanently] at 0x2C988F0>]

You can limit the number of times the HTTP client will automatically follow
redirects with the ``max_redirects`` argument.

.. code-block:: python

    client.get("", max_redirects=0)

By default, Pants will follow up to 10 redirects.


# Imports

import codecs
import Cookie
import json
import os
import ssl
import tempfile
import urllib
import urlparse
import zlib

from datetime import datetime

from import Stream
from pants.engine import Engine

from pants.http.auth import BasicAuth
from pants.http.utils import CRLF, date, DOUBLE_CRLF, encode_multipart, log, \
    read_headers, USER_AGENT

    from backports.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname, CertificateError
except ImportError:
    match_hostname = None
[docs] class CertificateError(Exception): pass
############################################################################### # Exports ############################################################################### __all__ = ( # Exceptions "HTTPClientException", "RequestTimedOut", "MalformedResponse", "RequestClosed", # Core Classes "HTTPClient", "Session", "HTTPResponse", ) ############################################################################### # Constants ############################################################################### CHUNK_SIZE = 2 ** 16 MAX_MEMORY_SIZE = 2 ** 20 ############################################################################### # Exceptions ###############################################################################
[docs]class HTTPClientException(Exception): """ The base exception for all the exceptions used by the HTTP client, aside from :class:`CertificateError`. """ pass
[docs]class RequestTimedOut(HTTPClientException): """ The exception returned when a connection times out. """ pass
[docs]class MalformedResponse(HTTPClientException): """ The exception returned when the response is malformed in some way. """ pass
[docs]class RequestClosed(HTTPClientException): """ The exception returned when the connection closes before the entire request has been downloaded. """ pass
############################################################################### # Content Encoding ############################################################################### CONTENT_ENCODING = {} def encoding_gzip(): return zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) CONTENT_ENCODING['gzip'] = encoding_gzip def encoding_deflate(): return zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) CONTENT_ENCODING['deflate'] = encoding_deflate ############################################################################### # Cookie Loading ############################################################################### def _get_cookies(request): """ Build a SimpleCookie with all the necessary cookies. """ cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie() if request.cookies: for key in request.cookies: cookies.load(request.cookies[key].output(None, '')) if request.cookies is not request.session.cookies: _load_cookies(cookies, request.session) elif request.session.parent: _load_cookies(cookies, request.session.parent) return cookies def _load_cookies(cookies, session): if session.cookies: for key in session.cookies: if not key in cookies: cookies.load(session.cookies[key].output(None, '')) if session.parent: _load_cookies(cookies, session.parent) ############################################################################### # Getting Hostname and Port on Python <2.7 ############################################################################### def _hostname(parts): # This code is borrowed from Python 2.7's argparse. netloc = parts.netloc.split('@')[-1] if '[' in netloc and ']' in netloc: return netloc.split(']')[0][1:].lower() elif ':' in netloc: return netloc.split(':')[0].lower() elif not netloc: return None else: return netloc.lower() def _port(parts): # This code is borrowed from Python 2.7's argparse. netloc = parts.netloc.split('@')[-1].split(']')[-1] if ':' in netloc: port = netloc.split(':')[1] return int(port, 10) else: return None ############################################################################### # _HTTPStream Class ############################################################################### class _HTTPStream(Stream): """ The _HTTPStream is a basic Pants client with an extra function for determining if it can connect to a given host without being destroyed and recreated. This is useful when dealing with proxies. It also automatically connects to the provided HTTPClient. """ _host = None def __init__(self, client, *args, **kwargs): Stream.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.client = client # This should be true when connected to certain proxies. self.need_full_url = False def can_fetch(self, host, is_secure): """ Returns True if this stream can connect to the provided host (a string of ``"host:port"``) with HTTP (or HTTPS if is_secure is True), or False otherwise. """ if not self.connected: return True if self.ssl_enabled != is_secure: return False if isinstance(self._host, basestring): if self._host != host: return False else: host, port = host.split(':') port = int(port) if host != self._host or port != self.remote_address[-1]: return False return True def connect(self, addr): if isinstance(addr, basestring): self._host = addr else: self._host = "%s:%d" % (addr[0], addr[-1]) if self.connected: self._safely_call(self.on_connect) else: Stream.connect(self, addr) def on_connect(self): self.client._on_connect() def on_close(self): self.client._on_close() def on_connect_error(self, err): self.client._on_connect_error(err) def on_read_error(self, err): self.client._do_error(err) def on_overflow_error(self, err): self.client._do_error(err) ############################################################################### # HTTPClient Class ###############################################################################
[docs]class HTTPClient(object): """ An easy to use, asynchronous HTTP client implementing HTTP 1.1. All arguments passed to HTTPClient are used to initialize the default session. See :class:`Session` for more details. The following is a basic example of using an HTTPClient to fetch a remote resource:: from pants.http import HTTPClient from pants.engine import Engine def response_handler(response): Engine.instance().stop() print response.content client = HTTPClient(response_handler) client.get("") Engine.instance().start() Groups of requests can have their behavior customized with the use of sessions:: from pants.http import HTTPClient from pants.engine import Engine def response_handler(response): Engine.instance().stop() print response.content def other_handler(response): print response.content client = HTTPClient(response_handler) client.get("") with client.session(cookies={'pie':'yummy'}): client.get("") Engine.instance().start() """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the HTTPClient and start the first session. """ # Figure out our engine. if 'engine' in kwargs: self.engine = kwargs.pop("engine") else: self.engine = Engine.instance() # Internal State self._stream = None self._processing = None self._requests = [] self._sessions = [] self._ssl_options = None self._reading_forever = False self._want_close = False self._no_process = False # Create the first Session ses = Session(self, *args, **kwargs) self._sessions.append(ses) ##### Public Event Handlers ###############################################
[docs] def on_response(self, response): """ Placeholder. Called when a complete response has been received. ========= ============ Argument Description ========= ============ response A :class:`HTTPResponse` instance with information about the received response. ========= ============ """ pass
[docs] def on_headers(self, response): """ Placeholder. Called when we've received headers for a request. You can abort a request at this time by returning False from this function. It *must* be False, and not simply a false-like value, such as an empty string. .. note:: This function isn't called for HTTP ``HEAD`` requests. ========= ============ Argument Description ========= ============ response A :class:`HTTPResponse` instance with information about the received response. ========= ============ """ pass
[docs] def on_progress(self, response, received, total): """ Placeholder. Called when progress is made in downloading a response. ========= ============ Argument Description ========= ============ response A :class:`HTTPResponse` instance with information about the response. received The number of bytes received thus far. total The total number of bytes expected for the response. This will be ``0`` if we don't know how much to expect. ========= ============ """ pass
[docs] def on_ssl_error(self, response, certificate, exception): """ Placeholder. Called when the remote server's SSL certificate failed initial verification. If this method returns True, the certificate will be accepted, otherwise, the connection will be closed and :func:`on_error` will be called. ============ ============ Argument Description ============ ============ response A :class:`HTTPResponse` instance with information about the response. Notably, with the ``host`` to expect. certificate A dictionary representing the certificate that wasn't automatically verified. exception A CertificateError instance with information about the error that occurred. ============ ============ """ return False
[docs] def on_error(self, response, exception): """ Placeholder. Called when an error occurs. ========== ============ Argument Description ========== ============ exception An Exception instance with information about the error that occurred. ========== ============ """ pass
##### Session Generation ##################################################
[docs] def session(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new session. See :class:`Session` for details. """ return Session(self, *args, **kwargs)
##### Request Making ######################################################
[docs] def request(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Begin a request. Missing parameters will be taken from the active session when available. See :func:`Session.request` for more details. """ return self._sessions[-1].request(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, url, **kwargs): """ Begin a DELETE request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("DELETE", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, url, params=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a GET request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("GET", url, params=params, **kwargs)
[docs] def head(self, url, params=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a HEAD request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("HEAD", url, params=params, **kwargs)
[docs] def options(self, url, **kwargs): """ Begin an OPTIONS request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("OPTIONS", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def patch(self, url, data=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a PATCH request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("PATCH", url, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, url, data=None, files=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a POST request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("POST", url, data=data, files=files, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, url, data=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a PUT request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("PUT", url, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs] def trace(self, url, **kwargs): """ Begin a TRACE request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("TRACE", url, **kwargs)
##### Internals ########################################################### def _safely_call(self, thing_to_call, *args, **kwargs): """ Safely execute a callable. The callable is wrapped in a try block and executed. If an exception is raised it is logged. ============== ============ Argument Description ============== ============ thing_to_call The callable to execute. *args The positional arguments to be passed to the callable. **kwargs The keyword arguments to be passed to the callable. ============== ============ """ try: return thing_to_call(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: log.exception("Exception raised in callback on %r." % self) def _process(self): """ Send the first request on the stack. """ if not self._requests: # Stop processing and close any connection since we've not got any # requests left. if self._stream: self._want_close = True self._no_process = True self._stream.close(False) self._stream = None self._processing = False return self._processing = True # Get the request. request = self._requests[0] # Make sure it has a response. if not request.response: HTTPResponse(request) # Handle authentication. if request.auth and not isinstance(request.auth, (list,tuple)): request = request.auth(request) # Now, determine what we should be connected to. port = _port(request.url) is_secure = request.url.scheme == 'https' if not port: port = 443 if is_secure else 80 host = '%s:%d' % (_hostname(request.url), port) # If we have a stream, and it's not connected to that host, kill it # to make a new one. if self._stream: if not self._stream.connected: self._stream = None elif self._ssl_options != request.session.ssl_options or \ not self._stream.can_fetch(host, is_secure): log.debug("Closing unusable stream for %r." % self) self._want_close = True self._no_process = False self._stream.close(False) return # Set the timeout timer and log. log.debug("Sending HTTP request %r." % request) self._reset_timer() # Create a stream. if not self._stream: self._stream = _HTTPStream(self, engine=self.engine) # If we're secure, and the stream isn't, secure it. if is_secure and not self._stream.ssl_enabled: self._ssl_options = request.session.ssl_options self._stream.startSSL(self._ssl_options or {}) # Connect the stream to await further orders. self._stream.connect((_hostname(request.url), port)) def _timed_out(self, request): """ Called when a request times out. """ if not request in self._requests: return log.debug("HTTP request %r timed out." % request) self._requests.remove(request) request.session.on_error(request.response, RequestTimedOut()) # Now, close the connection, and keep processing. if self._stream: self._want_close = True self._no_process = True self._stream.close(False) self._stream = None self._process() def _reset_timer(self): if not self._requests: return request = self._requests[0] # Clear the existing timer. if request._timeout_timer: request._timeout_timer() request._timeout_timer = self.engine.defer(request.timeout, self._timed_out, request) ##### Stream I/O Handlers ################################################# def _on_connect(self): """ The Stream connected, so send the request. """ if not self._requests: return request = self._requests[0] self._reset_timer() # Check our security. if request.url.scheme == 'https' and request.session.verify_ssl: # We care! cert = self._stream._socket.getpeercert() try: match_hostname(cert, _hostname(request.url)) except CertificateError as err: if not self._safely_call(request.session.on_ssl_error, request.response, cert, err): self._do_error(err) return # Write the request. if self._stream.need_full_url: path = "%s://%s%s" % (request.url.scheme, request.url.netloc, request.path) else: path = request.path self._stream.write("%s %s HTTP/1.1%s" % (request.method, path, CRLF)) # Headers for key, val in request.headers.iteritems(): self._stream.write("%s: %s%s" % (key, val, CRLF)) # Cookies cookies = _get_cookies(request) if cookies: for key in cookies: morsel = cookies[key] if not request.path.startswith(morsel['path']) or \ not _hostname(request.url).lower().\ endswith(morsel['domain'].lower()) or \ morsel['secure'] and request.url.scheme != 'https': continue self._stream.write(morsel.output(None, 'Cookie:') + CRLF) # And now, the body. self._stream.write(CRLF) if request.body: for item in request.body: if isinstance(item, basestring): self._stream.write(item) else: self._stream.write_file(item) # Now, we wait for a response. self._stream.on_read = self._read_headers self._stream.read_delimiter = DOUBLE_CRLF def _on_connect_error(self, err): """ The Stream had an exception. Pass it along. """ if not self._requests: return # Pop off the request that had an error, and clear its timeout. request = self._requests.pop(0) if request._timeout_timer: request._timeout_timer() # Do the error method. self._safely_call(request.session.on_error, request.response, err) # Kill the stream. if self._stream: self._want_close = True self._no_process = True self._stream.close(False) self._stream = None # Keep processing, if needed. self._process() def _on_close(self): """ If we weren't expecting the stream to close, it's an error, otherwise, just process our requests. """ # Are we reading forever? if self._reading_forever: self._reading_forever = False # Right, clean up then. if self._requests: # Get the request. request = self._requests[0] response = request.response # Clean out the decoder. if response._decoder: response._receive(response._decoder.flush()) response._receive(response._decoder.unused_data) response._decoder = None # Now, go to _on_response. self._want_close = False self._no_process = False self._on_response() return elif not self._want_close: # If it's not an expected close, check for an active request and # error it. self._want_close = False if self._requests: request = self._requests[0] self._no_process = False self._do_error(RequestClosed("The server closed the " "connection.")) return # Keep processing, if needed. self._stream = None if self._no_process: self._no_process = False else: self._process() def _do_error(self, err): """ There was some kind of exception. Close the stream, report it, and then keep processing. """ self._want_close = True self._no_process = True self._stream.close(False) self._stream = None if not self._requests: return # Pop off the request that had an error, and clear its timeout. request = self._requests.pop(0) if request._timeout_timer: request._timeout_timer() self._safely_call(request.session.on_error, request.response, err) # Keep processing, if needed. self._process() def _read_headers(self, data): """ Read the headers of an HTTP response from the socket into the current HTTPResponse object, and prepare to read the body. Or, if necessary, follow a redirect. """ if not self._requests: return request = self._requests[0] response = request.response self._reset_timer() ind = data.find(CRLF) if ind == -1: initial_line = data data = '' else: initial_line = data[:ind] data = data[ind+2:] try: http_version, status, status_text = initial_line.split(' ', 2) status = int(status) if not http_version.startswith('HTTP/'): self._do_error(MalformedResponse("Invalid HTTP protocol " "version %r." % http_version)) return except ValueError: self._do_error(MalformedResponse("Invalid status line.")) return # Parse the headers. headers = read_headers(data) if data else {} # Store what we've got so far on the response. response.http_version = http_version response.status_code = status response.status_text = status_text response.headers = headers # Load any cookies. if 'Set-Cookie' in headers: if not response.cookies: request.cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie() response.cookies = request.session.cookies = request.cookies cookies = headers['Set-Cookie'] if not isinstance(cookies, list): cookies = [cookies] for val in cookies: val_jar = Cookie.SimpleCookie() val_jar.load(val) for key in val_jar: morsel = val_jar[key] if not morsel['domain']: morsel['domain'] = _hostname(request.url) response.cookies.load(morsel.output(None, '')) # Are we dealing with a HEAD request? if request.method == 'HEAD': # Just be done. self._on_response() return # Do the on_headers callback. continue_request = self._safely_call(request.session.on_headers, response) if continue_request is False: # Abort the connection now. self._requests.pop(0) self._want_close = True self._no_process = False self._stream.close(False) return # Is there a Content-Length header? if 'Content-Length' in headers: response.length = int(headers['Content-Length']) response.remaining = response.length # If there's no length, immediately we've got a response. if not response.remaining: self._on_response() return self._stream.on_read = self._read_body self._stream.read_delimiter = min(CHUNK_SIZE, response.remaining) # What about Transfer-Encoding? elif 'Transfer-Encoding' in headers: if headers['Transfer-Encoding'] != 'chunked': self._do_error(MalformedResponse( "Unable to handle Transfer-Encoding %r." % headers['Transfer-Encoding'])) return response.length = 0 self._stream.on_read = self._read_chunk_head self._stream.read_delimiter = CRLF # Is this not a persistent connection? If so, read the whole body. elif not response._keep_alive: response.length = 0 response.remaining = 0 self._reading_forever = True self._stream.on_read = self._read_forever # We have to have a read_delimiter of None, otherwise our data # gets deleted when the connection is closed. self._stream.read_delimiter = None # There must not be a body, so go ahead and be done. else: # We've got a response. self._on_response() return # Do we have any Content-Encoding? if 'Content-Encoding' in headers: encoding = headers['Content-Encoding'] if not encoding in CONTENT_ENCODING: self._do_error(MalformedResponse( "Unable to handle Content-Encoding %r." % encoding)) return response._decoder = CONTENT_ENCODING[encoding]() def _on_response(self): """ A response has been completed. Send it on through. """ if not self._requests: return request = self._requests.pop(0) response = request.response # Do we have Connection: close? if not response._keep_alive: self._want_close = True self._no_process = True self._stream.close(False) self._stream = None # Clear the existing timer. if request._timeout_timer: request._timeout_timer() # Check for a status code handler. handler = getattr(response, 'handle_%d' % response.status_code, None) if handler: response = self._safely_call(handler, self) if not response: return self._safely_call(request.session.on_response, response) # Keep processing, if needed. self._process() ##### Length-Based Responses ############################################## def _read_forever(self, data): """ Read until the connection closes. """ if not self._requests: return request = self._requests[0] response = request.response self._reset_timer() # Make note of how many bytes we've received. response.length += len(data) # Decode the received data. if response._decoder: data = response._decoder.decompress(data) # Now, store that. response._receive(data) # Do a progress. self._safely_call(request.session.on_progress, response, response.length, 0) def _read_body(self, data): """ Add the data we received to the response body, doing any necessary decompression and character set nonsense. """ if not self._requests: return request = self._requests[0] response = request.response self._reset_timer() # Make note of how many bytes we've received. response.remaining -= len(data) self._stream.read_delimiter = min(CHUNK_SIZE, response.remaining) finished = not response.remaining and not response.remaining is False # Decode the received data. if response._decoder: data = response._decoder.decompress(data) if finished: data += response._decoder.flush() data += response._decoder.unused_data response._decoder = None # Now, store that. response._receive(data) # Do a progress. self._safely_call(request.session.on_progress, response, response.length-response.remaining, response.length) # Do a finished? if finished: self._on_response() ##### Chunked Responses ################################################### def _read_additional_headers(self, data): """ Read additional headers for the response. """ if not self._requests: return request = self._requests[0] response = request.response self._reset_timer() # Build the additional headers data. if data: response._additional_headers += data + CRLF return # We're done, so parse those. headers = read_headers(response._additional_headers) del response._additional_headers # Extend the original headers. for key, val in headers.iteritems(): if not key in response.headers: response.headers[key] = val else: if not isinstance(response.headers[key], list): response.headers[key] = [response.headers[key]] if isinstance(val, (tuple,list)): response.headers[key].extend(val) else: response.headers[key].append(val) # Finally, we can handle it. self._on_response() def _read_chunk_head(self, data): """ Read a chunk header. """ if not self._requests: return request = self._requests[0] response = request.response self._reset_timer() # Chop off any chunk extension data. We don't care about it. if ';' in data: data, ext = data.split(';', 1) # Get the length of the chunk. length = int(data.strip(), 16) if not length: # We're finished! Flush the decompressor if we have one, and move # on to the additional headers. if response._decoder: response._receive(response._decoder.flush()) response._receive(response._decoder.unused_data) response._decoder = None self._stream.on_read = self._read_additional_headers response._additional_headers = '' self._stream.read_delimiter = CRLF else: # Read the new chunk. length += 2 self._stream.on_read = self._read_chunk_body response.remaining = length self._stream.read_delimiter = min(CHUNK_SIZE, length) def _read_chunk_body(self, data): """ Read a chunk body. """ if not self._requests: return request = self._requests[0] response = request.response self._reset_timer() # Make note of how many bytes we've received. bytes = len(data) response.remaining -= bytes response.length += bytes self._stream.read_delimiter = min(CHUNK_SIZE, response.remaining) # Pass the data through our decoder. data = data[:-2] if response._decoder: data = response._decoder.decompress(data) # Store this data. response._receive(data) # Do a progress event. self._safely_call(request.session.on_progress, response, response.length, 0) # If we're finished with this chunk, read a new header. if not response.remaining: self._stream.on_read = self._read_chunk_head self._stream.read_delimiter = CRLF
############################################################################### # Session Class ###############################################################################
[docs]class Session(object): """ The Session class is the heart of the HTTP client, making it easy to share state between multiple requests, and enabling the use of ``with`` syntax. They're responsible for determining everything about a request before handing it back to :class:`HTTPClient` to be executed. =============== ========== ============ Argument Default Description =============== ========== ============ client The :class:`HTTPClient` instance this Session is associated with. on_response *Optional.* A callable that will handle any received responses, rather than the HTTPClient's own :func:`on_response` method. on_headers *Optional.* A callable for when response headers have been received. on_progress *Optional.* A callable for progress notifications. on_ssl_error *Optional.* A callable responsible for handling SSL verification errors, if ``verify_ssl`` is True. on_error *Optional.* A callable that will handle any errors that occur. timeout ``30`` *Optional.* The time to wait, in seconds, of no activity to allow before timing out. max_redirects ``10`` *Optional.* The maximum number of times to follow a server-issued redirect. keep_alive ``True`` *Optional.* Whether or not a single connection will be reused for multiple requests. auth ``None`` *Optional.* An instance of :class:`AuthBase` for authenticating requests to the server. headers ``None`` *Optional.* A dictionary of default headers to send with requests. verify_ssl ``False`` *Optional.* Whether or not to attempt to check the certificate of the remote secure server against its hostname. ssl_options ``None`` *Optional.* Options to use when initializing SSL. See :func:`Stream.startSSL` for more. =============== ========== ============ """ def __init__(self, client, on_response=None, on_headers=None, on_progress=None, on_ssl_error=None, on_error=None, timeout=None, max_redirects=None, keep_alive=None, auth=None, headers=None, cookies=None, verify_ssl=None, ssl_options=None): """ Initialize the Session. """ # Store the client and parent. if isinstance(client, Session): self.parent = parent = client self.client = client = self.parent.client else: self.client = client parent = client._sessions[-1] if client._sessions else None self.parent = parent # Setup our default settings. if on_response is None: on_response = parent.on_response if parent else client.on_response if on_headers is None: on_headers = parent.on_headers if parent else client.on_headers if on_progress is None: on_progress = parent.on_progress if parent else client.on_progress if on_ssl_error is None: if parent: on_ssl_error = parent.on_ssl_error else: on_ssl_error = client.on_ssl_error if on_error is None: on_error = parent.on_error if parent else client.on_error if timeout is None: timeout = parent.timeout if parent else 30 if max_redirects is None: max_redirects = parent.max_redirects if parent else 10 if keep_alive is None: keep_alive = parent.keep_alive if parent else True if auth is None: auth = parent.auth if parent else None if headers is None: headers = {} if parent and parent.headers: headers.update(parent.headers) if verify_ssl is None: verify_ssl = parent.verify_ssl if parent else False if ssl_options is None: ssl_options = parent.ssl_options if parent else None # Do some logic about SSL verification. if verify_ssl: if not ssl_options: # This logic comes from requests. loc = None if verify_ssl is not True: loc = verify_ssl if not loc: loc = os.environ.get('PANTS_CA_BUNDLE') if not loc: loc = os.environ.get('CURL_CA_BUNDLE') if not loc: try: import certifi loc = certifi.where() except ImportError: pass if not loc: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find certificates for SSL " "verification.") ssl_options = {'ca_certs': loc, 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED} # Make sure we've got backports.ssl_match_hostname if not match_hostname: raise RuntimeError("Cannot verify SSL certificates without " "the package backports.ssl_match_hostname.") # Ensure the cookies are a cookiejar. if cookies is None: cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie() elif isinstance(cookies, dict): cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(cookies) # Store our settings now. self.on_response = on_response self.on_headers = on_headers self.on_progress = on_progress self.on_ssl_error = on_ssl_error self.on_error = on_error self.timeout = timeout self.max_redirects = max_redirects self.keep_alive = keep_alive self.auth = auth self.headers = headers self.cookies = cookies self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl self.ssl_options = ssl_options ##### Session Generation ##################################################
[docs] def session(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new session. See :class:`Session` for details. """ return Session(self, *args, **kwargs)
##### Request Making ######################################################
[docs] def request(self, method, url, params=None, data=None, headers=None, cookies=None, files=None, auth=None, timeout=None, max_redirects=None, keep_alive=None): """ Begin a request. ============== ============ Argument Description ============== ============ method The HTTP method of the request. url The URL to request. params *Optional.* A dictionary or string of query parameters to add to the request. data *Optional.* A dictionary or string of content to send in the request body. headers *Optional.* A dictionary of headers to send with the request. cookies *Optional.* A dictionary or CookieJar of cookies to send with the request. files *Optional.* A dictionary of file-like objects to upload with the request. auth *Optional.* An instance of :class:`AuthBase` to use to authenticate the request. timeout *Optional.* The time to wait, in seconds, of no activity to allow before timing out. max_redirects *Optional.* The maximum number of times to follow a server-issued redirect. keep_alive *Optional.* Whether or not to reuse the connection for multiple requests. ============== ============ """ method = str(method).upper() # Parse the URL. parts = urlparse.urlparse(url) if not parts.scheme in ("http", "https"): raise ValueError("HTTPClient unable to serve request with scheme " "%r." % parts.scheme) # Get default values from the session if necessary if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout if max_redirects is None: max_redirects = self.max_redirects if keep_alive is None: keep_alive = self.keep_alive if auth is None: auth = self.auth if cookies is None: cookies = self.cookies elif isinstance(cookies, dict): cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(cookies) # Build the headers. if not headers: headers = {} # Update with all the default headers. for key in self.headers: if not key in headers: headers[key] = self.headers[key] # Add an extra header or two. if not 'Accept-Encoding' in headers: headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'deflate, gzip' if not 'Date' in headers: headers['Date'] = date(datetime.utcnow()) if not 'Host' in headers: headers['Host'] = _hostname(parts) port = _port(parts) if port: headers['Host'] += ':%d' % port if not 'User-Agent' in headers: headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT if not 'Connection' in headers and not keep_alive: headers['Connection'] = 'close' # Determine the Content-Type of the request body. if files: hdr = headers.get('Content-Type') if hdr and not hdr.startswith("multipart/form-data"): raise ValueError("Cannot transmit files with Content-Type " "%r." % hdr) elif not hdr: headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data' elif not 'Content-Type' in headers and data: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' # Construct the actual request body. This is a mess. if 'Content-Type' in headers: hdr = headers['Content-Type'] if isinstance(data, bytes): body = [data] length = len(data) elif hdr.startswith('multipart/form-data'): ind = hdr.find('boundary=') if ind != -1: boundary = hdr[ind+9:] else: boundary = None boundary, body = encode_multipart(data or {}, files, boundary) headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' \ % boundary length = 0 for item in body: if isinstance(item, basestring): length += len(item) else:, 2) length += item.tell() elif hdr == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': if isinstance(data, dict): body = [urllib.urlencode(data or {}, True)] length = len(body[0]) elif not data: body = [] length = 0 else: body = [data] length = len(body[0]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown Content-Type %r." % hdr) headers['Content-Length'] = length else: body = None # Deal with the request parameters and the URL fragment. path = parts.path or '/' if params: new_params = urlparse.parse_qs(parts.query) for key, value in params.iteritems(): if not key in new_params: new_params[key] = [] if isinstance(value, (tuple,list)): new_params[key].extend(value) else: new_params[key].append(value) # Update the URL parts. parts = parts._replace(query=urllib.urlencode(new_params,True)) if parts.query: path += '?%s' % parts.query if parts.fragment: path += '#%s' % parts.fragment # Build our request. request = HTTPRequest(self, method, path, parts, headers, cookies, body, timeout, max_redirects, keep_alive, auth) # Now, send it back to the client. self.client._requests.append(request) if not self.client._processing: self.client._process() # Not sure what you'll do with this, but there you have it. return request
[docs] def delete(self, url, **kwargs): """ Begin a DELETE request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("DELETE", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, url, params=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a GET request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("GET", url, params=params, **kwargs)
[docs] def head(self, url, params=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a HEAD request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("HEAD", url, params=params, **kwargs)
[docs] def options(self, url, **kwargs): """ Begin an OPTIONS request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("OPTIONS", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def patch(self, url, data=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a PATCH request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("PATCH", url, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, url, data=None, files=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a POST request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("POST", url, data=data, files=files, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, url, data=None, **kwargs): """ Begin a PUT request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("PUT", url, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs] def trace(self, url, **kwargs): """ Begin a TRACE request. See :func:`request` for more details. """ return self.request("TRACE", url, **kwargs)
##### Context ############################################################# def __enter__(self): self.client._sessions.append(self) return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.client._sessions.pop()
############################################################################### # HTTPRequest Class ###############################################################################
[docs]class HTTPRequest(object): """ A very basic structure for storing HTTP request information. """ response = None _timeout_timer = None def __init__(self, session, method, path, url, headers, cookies, body, timeout, max_redirects, keep_alive, auth): self.session = session self.method = method self.path = path self.url = url self.headers = headers self.cookies = cookies self.body = body self.timeout = timeout self.max_redirects = max_redirects self.keep_alive = keep_alive self.auth = auth def __repr__(self): return '<%s ["%s://%s%s"] at 0x%X>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.url.scheme, self.url.netloc, self.path, id(self) )
############################################################################### # HTTPResponse Class ###############################################################################
[docs]class HTTPResponse(object): """ The HTTPResponse class represents a single HTTPResponse, and has all the available information about a response, including the redirect history and the original HTTPRequest. """ total = None remaining = None http_version = None status_code = None status_text = None cookies = None headers = None _body_file = None _decoder = None _encoding = None def __init__(self, request): """ Initialize from the provided request. """ self.request = request self.history = [] # Store stuff about us. self.method = request.method self.url = urlparse.urlunparse(request.url) self.path = request.path # Make sure we're the request's response. if self.request.response: self.history.extend(self.request.response.history) self.history.insert(0, self.request.response) self.request.response = self # Set cookies. self.cookies = self.request.session.cookies @property def status(self): """ The status code and status text as a string. """ if not self.status_code: return None if not self.status_text: return str(self.status_code) return "%d %s" % (self.status_code, self.status_text) def __repr__(self): return "<%s [%s] at 0x%X>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.status, id(self) ) @property def _keep_alive(self): conn = self.headers.get('Connection', '').lower() if self.http_version == 'HTTP/1.0': return conn == 'keep-alive' return conn != 'close' ##### Body Management ##################################################### @property def encoding(self): """ This is the detected character encoding of the response. You can also set this to a specific character set to have :attr:`text` decoded properly. Pants will attempt to fill this value from the Content-Type response header. If no value was available, it will be ``None``. """ if not self._encoding: # Time to play guess the encoding! We don't try that hard. cset = self.headers.get('Content-Type').partition('charset=')[-1] if not cset: cset = None self._encoding = cset return self._encoding @encoding.setter def encoding(self, val): # Use codecs.lookup to make sure it's a valid way to decode text. if val is not None: codecs.lookup(val) self._encoding = val @property def text(self): """ The content of the response, after being decoded into unicode with :attr:`encoding`. Be careful when using this with large responses, as it will load the entire response into memory. ``None`` if no data has been received. If :attr:`encoding` is ``None``, this will default to ``UTF-8``. """ raw = self.content if not raw: return raw encoding = self.encoding if not encoding: encoding = 'utf-8' return raw.decode(encoding)
[docs] def json(self, **kwargs): """ The content of the response, having been interpreted as JSON. This uses the value of :attr:`encoding` if possible. If :attr:`encoding` is not set, it will default to ``UTF-8``. Any provided keyword arguments will be passed to :func:`json.loads`. """ if not 'encoding' in kwargs: kwargs['encoding'] = self.encoding raw = self.content if not raw: return raw return json.loads(raw, **kwargs)
@property def file(self): """ The content of the response as a :class:`tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile`. Pants uses temporary files to decrease memory usage for large responses. ``None`` if no data has been received. """ return self._body_file # requests compatibility raw = file stream = True @property def content(self): """ The content of the response as a byte string. Be careful when using this with large responses, as it will load the entire response into memory. ``None`` if no data has been received. """ if not self._body_file: return None f = self._body_file._file if hasattr(f, 'getvalue'): return f.getvalue() current_pos = f.tell() out = return out
[docs] def iter_content(self, chunk_size=1, decode_unicode=False): """ Iterate over the content of the response. Using this, rather than :attr:`content` or :attr:`text` can prevent the loading of large responses into memory in their entirety. =============== ======== ============ Argument Default Description =============== ======== ============ chunk_size ``1`` The number of bytes to read at once. decode_unicode False Whether or not to decode the bytes into unicode using the response's :attr:`encoding`. =============== ======== ============ """ f = self._body_file if not f: return if decode_unicode: codec = self.encoding or 'utf-8' decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder(codec)(errors='replace') else: decoder = None pos = 0 while True: data = pos += len(data) if decoder: data = decoder.decode(data) if not data: if decoder: final = decoder.decode(b'', final=True) if final: yield final return yield data
[docs] def iter_lines(self, chunk_size=512, decode_unicode=False): """ Iterate over the content of the response, one line at a time. By using this rather than :attr:`content` or :attr:`text` you can prevent loading of the entire response into memory. The two arguments to this method are passed directly to :meth:`iter_content`. """ # This method's implementation shamelessly copied from requests. pending = None for chunk in self.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size, decode_unicode=decode_unicode): if pending: chunk = pending + chunk lines = chunk.splitlines() if lines and lines[-1] and chunk and lines[-1][-1] == chunk[-1]: pending = lines.pop() else: pending = None for line in lines: yield line if pending is not None: yield pending
# Let people easily iterate over lines. __iter__ = iter_lines def _receive(self, data): if not self._body_file: self._init_body() self._body_file.write(data) def _init_body(self): self._body_file = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(MAX_MEMORY_SIZE) ##### Status Code Handlers ################################################
[docs] def handle_301(self, client): """ Handle the different redirect codes. """ request = self.request if not request.max_redirects or not 'Location' in self.headers: return self # Get some useful things. status = self.status_code method = self.method body = request.body location = self.headers['Location'] log.debug("Redirecting request %r to %r." % (request, location)) # Update the request and send it again. try: # Update the URL. location = urlparse.urljoin(urlparse.urlunparse(request.url), location) parts = urlparse.urlparse(location) if not parts.scheme in ("http", "https"): raise MalformedResponse # Do special stuff for certain codes. if status == 301 and not method in ('GET', 'HEAD'): raise MalformedResponse elif status in (302, 303): method = 'GET' body = None host = _hostname(parts) port = _port(parts) if port: host += ':%d' % port # Update the request. request.url = parts request.path = parts.path or '/' request.method = method request.body = body request.headers['Host'] = host request.max_redirects -= 1 # Make the new response, process it, and return. HTTPResponse(request) client._requests.insert(0, request) client._process() return except MalformedResponse: return self
handle_302 = handle_303 = handle_307 = handle_301
[docs] def handle_401(self, client): """ Handle authorization, if we know how. """ request = self.request if not isinstance(request.auth, (list,tuple)) or \ not 'WWW-Authenticate' in self.headers: return self auth_type, options = self.headers['WWW-Authenticate'].split(' ',1) if not auth_type.lower() in ('digest', 'basic'): return self # If it's basic, do that. if auth_type.lower() == 'basic': request.auth = BasicAuth(*request.auth) else: # TODO: Write Digest authentication. # request.auth = DigestAuth(*request.auth) return self # Now, resend. HTTPResponse(request) client._requests.insert(0, request) client._process()